what we do

You wake up in the morning and you turn on the faucet in the sink and water comes flowing out, but have you ever wondered where that water comes from? Well, the Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency is one of the groups responsible for bringing that water to your home.
The water in your home originally comes from Lake Michigan. The City of Chicago Water Department takes the water out of Lake Michigan, treats it to make sure it is safe for drinking, and then pumps the water to all the homes and businesses in the City of Chicago and allows the suburbs in Cook County to take water. That is where the Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency takes over. They connect to the City of Chicago system and transmit the water to their 10th Avenue Pump Station. The water travels about 4.2 miles through a 24” pipe. The Agency also provides water to Hines VA Hospital, Loyola University Medical Center and Madden Hospital. The water then continues to flow in the 24” pipe and once the water arrives at the 10th Avenue Pump Station, the water enters three underground storage reservoirs, each with a capacity of 0.5 Million Gallons!
The 10th Avenue Pump Station has 6 pumps, 3 each for the Village of Westchester and the Village of Broadview. The Agency draws the water out of the reservoirs, treats the water with chlorine, and then pumps it to the Village of Broadview’s water system and to the Village of Westchester’s Crestwood Avenue Pump Station.
The Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency personnel, are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the 24” water line, the 10th Avenue Pump Station building, and for monitoring the internal systems of their customers. The station and the portions of their customers systems are monitored and operated with a SCADA system that uses radio frequencies to transmit information from each of the components of the Agency’s system as well as key components of their customers systems. This information is displayed on a large screen at the 10th Avenue Pump Station and the personnel use this information to make adjustments in the operation of the system. The Agency personnel have I-Pads that allow them to view the information from the 10th Avenue station remotely and make adjustments.
board members

Katrina Thompson
Mayor of Broadview

Greg Hribal
Village of Westchester President

LeTisa Jones
Village of Broadview

Peter Marzano
Village of Westchester

David Scalise
Village of Broadview

Barry Krumstok
Village of Westchester
contact US
phone & Email
2222 S. 10th Avenue
Broadview, IL 60155
office hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday - Closed